Open positions

Note: We are actively looking for talented research assistant, PhD candidates and postdocs to join the team. Please check the opening positions below!

We are always looking for new group members with passion, talent, and grit!

You will have the chance to apply or develop new computional approaches to tackle fundamental biological questions. You will be involved in determining the important and interesting questions, and making discoveries.

The current open positions

Positions available for 1 research assistant and 1 PhD student (2023 fall)!

The past open positions can be found here:

You find the past job openings here: Opening-RA2022-PhD2023(English) (Chinese).

Applications for PhD and Postdoc positions

If you are interested in working with us as a PhD student or postdoc, please send me an email. State briefly why you are interested and attach a CV, including information about your education. No need for a separate cover letter or certificates.

Important: please use “Application-PhD” or “Application-RA” as your email subject. If you are applying to a specific advertisement, please follow the specified instructions in the job ADs.

Master projects for local students

If you are a Master student at City University of Hong Kong looking for a Master project, contact me (or any group member) per email or stop by my office.

Bsc / Master students from elsewhere

We only take in students who are interested in computional biology, bioinformatics, and cool research, for their final year projects!

If you are interested in pursuing a Master degree at City University of Hong Kong, please check the information here Postgraduate Admissions. You are always welcome to contact me if you are interested in joining our lab.